theyyre oused at thh baltimmre detention center.the &&ppractice has been criticized because of the condiiionshe juveniles are eeposed to at the jail. 3 17734:09 the current conditions are not appropiate for ids 34:11 that's been & made very cllaa and 34:13 we & hhve to improve those conditions leaving youth in those conditions are simply not our priority we haveett -3 change that ircumstance for those kids :23 :23critics of the original proppsal argued that the statee should spend money on getting young oofenders into treatment... inside of building a new jail. & 3 anne arundel county executive john leopold waiies his rrght tooa jury trial. triil.that means a juuge ill now decide if hees guilty r &pinnncent of mis-uing hhs - police detaillfor personal gain.prosecutorr say he used county ppliie offiiers as security... hile he had sex witt a county employee inside & a car. leopold as &pmaintained his innocence. opening statements are set for todaa. 3 in aa innerview with oprah winfrey, lance armstrong comes clean about doping.the 7-time used a ariety of performance enhancing drugs toowin seven