. -- berlin, it is like theza. if you're looking at that circle, it is like a clock.t 5:30, there is a road that goes down and that is las ramblas. las ramblas goes all the way down to the port. if anyone has been to barcelona, las ramblas is like a boulevard. on either side of the boulevard you have slow moving traffic. on the boulevard, cafes, plenty of people walking about. the fact that this person zig za gged down the street, it is horrific. sarah: one has to think of nice, france. another wonderful city, now a victim of terrorism. as we see with many of these attacks, many eyewitnesses using social media to share that information. connor, you have been filtering through this information. tell us more. >> at this point it is late in barcelona. some old footage that has yet to be verified still circulating on social media. this video that ports to show -- purports to show someone being arrested by police. to any social media users, be careful and suspicious when people circulate this footage or images before they have been confirmed by media outlets. we are watchi