. >> right next to me, dave thibodaux, cofounder, 1995. you're an o.g. ratio opened a year ago. ratio beer works and rhino which you've been brewing for six years or so. and your first job was 99 in the business. >> brewing >> for the governor, it's a lot of fun. >> you'll hear folks talk about the good old days of colorado craft peer. what have we lost in the last couple of decades? what have we lost that you wished we'd held onto? >> well that's a good question. i think i'm concern that had we're losing it currently. weren't so many breweries. and when there weren't nearly as many and particularly packaging breweries the realm we operate in, there was a lot of sales space and draft handles. and we basically had a common enemy in the corporate breweries, and we didn't have to go after each other. we were and lately, you've seen some of that camaraderie maybe start to fray a little bit. >> where are we in terms of the sheer number of breweries that colorado has interest in and can sustain? >> right now there are 350 brewing licenses in the state. so slightly under that is how ma