. >> russia says thierry could be rid of all its chemical weapons by the end of this month. -- russia says syria could be rid of all its chemical weapons. they brokered a deal to dispose of the chemical stockpile in syria, but the process has already fallen behind schedule. i sprayed the u.s. asked the russian foreign minister to put pressure on syria to pick up the pace. begin today on the radio, the french foreign minister said just 5% of syria's chemical weapons have left the country despite the fact that the deadline for the entire removal was three days ago. meanwhile on the ground in syria, moderate and militant rebel groups are turning on each other while the regime army remains organized. it is gradually gaining ground and on the offensive. shows strength and eight damascus suburb. --porters of president assad the pictures are shown over and over on syrian state television. is protecting us, freeing us from terrorists. >> the national army is regaining ground three years up to the country's crisis began. the air force bombarded aleppo over the weekend. tanks thought to take co