i am pleased to have bryant thisl at the stable -- at table. bryant: the last time we did this was 99. it was right after my bar mitzvah. [laughter] it's a wonderful broadcast. i have really good people. it is a great place to work. it has been really a lot of fun. charlie: what is your frame of mind today you go you one the peabody, for god's sake -- today you go you one bank the peabody -- frame of mind today? you one bank the peabody, for god's sake. is that it for you? bryant: i love your work and you know iwatch constantly. i watch-- you know constantly. i think i've had my time. what i do doesn't fit with the way things are done now. i'm not the same guy i was. i'm really not. i'm much more easy-going now. , back in the day if somebody said something that set me off i was eager to fight and more than willing to mix it up. i'm more inclined now to say, you're an idiot, i will let you be an idiot. charlie: you have a great marriage. bryant: my friends always told me i picked my coverage. hillary has been wonderful for me. she has been terri