. -- thiston has buttons tour has buttons and it can become a fridge or freezer for as long as you need also, the water dispenser, still or sparkling. let me show you what is going on inside this oven. it is a flex duo of him. that is because of this panel right here. you pull it out and you have one giant oven for your biggest turkey. havehat in, and you could the asparagus at 275 degrees and the pork loin at 475 and you are cooking both at the same time. this year, you are bringing new technology to washer and dryers as well. you want a bigger washing machine? that usually means the tub is going to get ypres, which makes it awkward to get things out of it. whichgoing to get deeper, makes it awkward to get things out of it. but this one is wider to my and that makes it super smooth to get things out of the machine. not that long ago when people said, samsung? smartphones? >> that was sam grobart. just a few of the enterprise success stories of 2013, said and tableau.nk what happens next? ♪ . . >> you are watching "bloomberg west," where we focus on technology and the future of business