of thoe questions like "have you stopped beating your wife?"ther you say yes or no, you're damned. >> rose: no, no, no. come on. >> personally i think he's interesting because he's one of the most enigmatic figures in a point in the cultural history of new york and of america that was a really, really crucial period. there was a lot of social upheaval. there was an amazing shift in the perceptions of what was art and what wasn't. what was cultural, what wasn't. what was important, what wasn't. and the fact that he was so enigmatic and so inscrutable, in a way, and at the same time a huge success in his own lifetime and very, very well documented. but even with all that documentation, with all the monographs and all the essays and all the exhibitions, the man himself remains very much an inig ma and i think that's part of what drama is able to reveal. you know, we enter a world of imagination and in that world someone like rothko can exist in a way that's hopefully provocative and interesting and exciting. >> rose: is this similar to the product