thomas, jim pinkerton fellow new america foundation and news day columnist, ellen. i'm jon scott, fox news watch is on right now. the year 2000, the new millennium, the beginning of aew decade of news and news coverage. the y2k bug was the big story of 2000, it quickly became a big bust. u.s. agents seize refugee elian gonzalez and after a long standoff sent him back to cuba. the u.s.s. cole attacked by terrorists in yemen, 17 american sailors were killed. figuring out the winner of the presidential election delayed due to ballot snafus in florida. the u.s. supreme court took on the issue, made a decision and 36 days after voters had gone to the polls, democratic presidential candidate al gore conceded the election to his republican challenger, texas governor george w. bush. he would become the nation 43rd president. jim, elliss, if you had to sum up that 2000 election fiasco in a few words, how would you roux describe it? >> i would say the reporters all voted for al gore in 2000, but they didn't like him. they liked bush much better so bush perversely got pretty good press in that year. >> jon: and was that reflected, elliss, in the coverage, do you think of the