but ethics professor thomas beschorner is convinced that digitization and robotics are important topics that don't stop when it comes to sexuality. surveys show that sex with robots is more than just a fetish. thomas: up to 40% of all men in europe can imagine having sex with a robot. somewhat fewer women are interested, but there's potential there, too. reporter: professor kathleen richardson is a vehement opponent of sex robots. kathleen: my name is kathleen richardson, and i'm the director of the campaign against sex robots. and i don't view human beings as objects. i don't see this as interchangeable, that you can replace a human with a machine and they'll do the same things, because i think human beings are different from things. reporter: martina mara is a robo-psychologist. she's also critical of tendencies in the sex robot industry. martina: it has to be said that 95% of the sex robots that are currently available on the market are female stereotypes, stereotypically passive. so on the one hand, they objectify the human, and often the female body. and on the other hand, these ro