i am the director of the arizona department of water resources thomas buschatzke. thank you for allowing me to present this testimony regarding jobs in the west and its impact on the state, the formula for offsetting and mitigating impacts on the role of the united states. arizona has a diverse water supply portfolio and we use about 7 million acres of water per year and the sources are 40% from the colorado river, 40% from groundwater, 17% from in state services and 3% from the use of reclaimed water. arizona has created institutions that provide certainty for water uses. it took political capital and hard choices over many decades to create the water delivery projects and laws and regulations and interstate agreements that manages water. the result was worth the effort. arizonans enjoy a vibrant economy and will continue to do so even in the face of this. uncertainty and portability remains and this is a part of arizona's history and continues to be part of the strategic goals for the state. drought is at the top of our list of challenges. arizona is going to los