thomas d. clark, author of the kentucky, who took me to see the subject river when we visited him in lexington. i interviewed frank waters who wrote the colorado at his home outside taos, new mexico, and corresponded with tennessee historian wilma dikeman about her book, the french broad. minnesota historian james taylor dunn sent me longhand written letters about his writing the st. croix as did william ellis, author of the cuyahoga and margaret san born, author of the american, river of el dorado, the last volume in the river series, became a close friend until her death. all were gracious and provided invaluable information about their books, and some of them would later tell their stories here at the library of congress. a stroke of good fortune occurred when i wrote to henry holt and company to inquire if they had any files relating to the series. i was stunned when they invited me to their new york office, gave me unrestricted access to their files and even provided a copy machine for my use. t