my question is for thomas connelly. if i understand it correctly, part of dupont's business relates to the advanced industry, part of it relates to lower tech, grass-roots industry, in terms of customers. my question is, are those types of local grassroots industries actually having a tough time these days? because banks have gotten bigger and internationalized, investment firms are big and internationalized, and at the local level to get financing for their particular local enterprises -- well, the home builder, the bank needs aren't standardized underwriting criteria, however, some are not. that can be sold on the secondary market. but if you have a local enterprise that is localized in has specific characteristics, they might not inside a big international firms or big international bank. i mean your perception, are some of those types of enterprises being squeezed? >> i would certainly say that the lower tech industries, in the manufacturing situation, where they face competition from other parts of the world, yes,