and do you think it is a work by thomas creswick? i hope so, painted in the 1830s, 1840s, and it is indeed by thomas creswick, who is an important-- a very important landscape painter, in his way. and what it shows is a tradition-- a tradition that started in the 18th century that goes absolutely to the heart of the romantic movement. it's the idea of finding a cottage or a dwelling within a wood. thomas gainsborough was the first to do it with his cottage door series of pictures. and then, in the late 18th century, the theme became a little bit more bold, became a little bit more bawdy, and a little bit less romantic, and you got outside the ale-house door with people like george morland. and then, in the 19th century, another poetic sentiment starts creeping in, and that is sentimentality about ancient architecture. and if you look into the eaves of that house, and you look into the roof, you can see that it's been lovingly done by someone who's aware that the medieval past is disappearing, as well. so, you've got a curious fusion of engli