thank you very much, joshua geltzer, thomas dupree.ou. >> thank you. >> woodruff: in the day's other news, army lieutenannel alexander vindman will not be investigated over his imachment testimony agains president trump. secretary of the army ryan mccarthyismissed the idea today. vindman had alady lost his job with the national security council-- president umhad ggested that he might also face disciplinary action. there is word that the u.s. and the taban have agreed on a precursor to a possible peacean deal in aftan. a senior american official said today it callsor a one-week reduction in violence. all-afghan peace talks would follow, and ultimately, withdrawals of foreign troops. we will take a closer look, after the news summary. in syriaturkish-backed rebels shot down a syrian helicopter today near aleppo, in the country's northwest. it happened as government rces are pressing an ofnsive. the violence has created a new wave of refugees-- more than 800,000 since december. many are living in makeshift camps, enduring sub-zero conditi