front of the monument that's one of two bronzes they were done by the famous philadelphia painter thomas egan's. these are the only two bass relief sculptures that he gives is known to have made in his entire career, most of what he did was painting. these are really artifacts. we are standing in front of the monument and we're going to show you why the monument is here and why this position was important. to left it today we call north street, it was queen street, and this is king street. you see on the ground is open and how the streets slope downward. what is provided was an exceptional artillery position, because the guns of the time could fire down the streets, a solid shot that could skip down the streets as well as canisters spring pellets and all sorts of ammunition. if he could hold this position and get his artillery batteries positioned on the streets and fire down the streets, he could disrupt the german troops in their efforts to form lines. on queen street, the battery was under the command of thomas ferris, who we think had 46 pounder cans that have a range of almost half a mile