my name is thomas harper, i work with the chp subdivision solutions sf working with low income housing as a temporary desk clerk. i also am an entrepreneur working on my small business street studios which is expanding to become a program that will support other low income youth in poverty who are creative to rocket into that area where they can sell and produce their own creative works. i feel that i speak on behalf of other maligned young very low income people of my age set. when i say that last year i was homeless in the shelters and now i have supportive income housing, i am transgendered and i speak for that subset as well and i'd like to be able to say that more than has ever been appropriate before, the children are the future. people say that but at this point the people of my age set who are going through these difficult things are also the people who are really linked into the technology, into google, into self-education, these sort of just free spread of information things, and they are the ones who are solving the problems. they are the ones who are coming up with solution