but that did not go over well in france especially given thomas paine's earlier critiques of monarchy and the harrison power and the boldness now, the french. and into what we call the reign of terror. thomas paine despaired. and then he picked up his pen. he crossed through the first pass a region and fail the great work from which this man and stormed into debate and completed the management got into a printer only six hours before the french came to a store and dragon into a prison cell to his dissenting views, offer radical enough pretty the age of reasoning, that is in some ways astonishing if virtuos denunciation of patriotism. he thought is the right of the few, the most violent in the most extreme, the most uncontrollable excesses, on this unfolding french revolution. and in since was religion and french revolution was not, thomas paine wrote openly about how his faith in god, extinguish human compassion selflessness, reality, ethics, and grace. and turns society into nothing but a gathering of beasts. in his conception of the palace was mainstream view in the 1790s and really controversial th