still ahead, a report from thomas jshillou. >> tonight is sponsored by turtles. the reptiles with a body protected by a bony shell. thanks, turtle. >>> let's find out if we have gotten anything wrong so far. let's go to tom shillou. >> i'm sure you have. let me look at my notes. >> i can't believe that. >> andy, when you started the show you kind of made a remark about joe derosa's book. a remark that it didn't seem to be selling. i looked it up. it is 47,000 on amazon. it is ranked 47,000 in books. but it is ranked number 100 in humor/parenting and families. >> really? >> number 100? >> yes, 100. >> that's awesome. i was looking up your book -- oh, you don't have one. >> okay. matt, you mentioned about the cash cams in russia and andy was speculating the reasons of this i looked up a article and it was entitled why almost every in russia has a dash cam? they cited the lax and corrupt law enforcement and those that rarely ham the the firsthand accounts of a traffic collision. >> that's great information. bill, you said armageddon is not real. then you sa