. >> you mistake me, that was thomas mann. marty and karen, thanks for including me, i really appreciate being here. and thea, you nailed it. i just think you got it right. the whole story right, in all of its rich dimensions. i'm convinced sue would have been very pleased to listen to that argument. an important part of it is the fact that some people say, well, it's all economics. john judas, by the way, continues to believe it's a story of entirely economic nationalism. but the competing claim is, wait a minute, this goes back a long time, and it has cultural roots. and the identity politics has changed its meaning. moving from the identities of newly emerging minorities to the concerns and fears of a threatened, declining white majority, which is working its way toward being a minority. dylan matthews at vox has summarized some of the research that thea referred to, and i think it's important to keep in mind, of course economics is important. the broad context is economic. but there are a lot of people who came through thi