thomas mann once said that a writer is someone for whom writing is really difficult. yeah, i've heard that. i've heard that. is that true? you? yes, yes. yes, it is. and this one was like this hurt. me like this book hurt. i it's this this. it really, really did. and i think it's not just that it's difficult, but that you accept the difficulty because it's difficult for everybody. but for some reason you just say, okay, this is going to hurt and you just let it, let hurt. like you're compelled to, to let hurt and try to figure out what what is. on the other side of that pain, you write about early in your career, you saw yourself at a certain level having a kind of focus that stood in abeyance is of the empirical. yeah. and then i wondered if the travels you write about in this book, south carolina, israel is a kind of a return to that's a great point. that's a that's a great point point. it's kind of actually a return sort of focused in many ways in some ways, you know, you know, it's some. you know, i grew up in a household reading was very, very important. right. a