libertarian congressman thomas massi. of kentucky. it now heads to senate, bill targets north korea shipping industry, and use of slave labor and requires state department to determine whether north korea will be designated as a state sponsor of terrorism. lou: air force, forced to scramble out 22 stealth fighter jets yesterday to intercepts russian bear bombers outside of alaska. escorted by jet fighters 50 miles off of the coast of alaska. last month russia bombers flew near alaska for 4 consecutive days. this is first time since. joining me now to discuss north korean sanction, russian provocation, and more, retired four-star general, fox news military analyst, general jack keane. north korea sanctions, is there any reason to think that the sanctions will be more successful than previous? >> well, you put your finger on it, they have not had any impact on this regime in the past. the sanctions because they are so limited, in terms of north korean shipp united states, force labor issue -- force labor in north korea, they sell the go