so it looked like maybe constant and thomas middleton were going to be out of luck.they thought, well, let's buy this item and. it doesn't cost much. it's only a quarter of a teaspoon full of sugar per acre, as opposed to land on barbados at the same time which was i think a cup and a half. if i'm right in my book. so the first africans to arrive your were jacqueo, hannah and hope. they came as the property as part of her portion or dowry. so they were turned her property. is this helpful? okay. so that was a connection which only lasted -- our route the puritan. it only lasted, until the next generation. so from 1646 to 1651 when it bought it until 1680 when nathaniel died. there were a few other purchases of sugar, rum, and africans after that, but it wasn't a continuous trait. he drank a lot of rom, and i drank it with her. [laughter] >> if there are no more questions -- okay. oh, sorry. >> during the research did you find emphasis of the master crossbreeding with slaves? >> i did not. i looked for it everywhere. i can't say that i'm sure it occurred, but given th