there have been a few critiques of his work from academic philosophers like thomas nagel and alfred neale but there has been nothing remotely like the popular response to neuroscientist encroachment on the humanities. shouldn't there be voices as prominent as lair's asking questions? are we really just the percolating of electrons as alex -- believes. in our emotional lives have we been for all this time nothing better than they humiliated effort of the sandman who falls in love with olivia a seductive piece of clockwork? for all these centuries have our soulmates as monty teo called his electronically simulated girlfriend, then mere congeries of wiring chemical? our best ideas, are our ideas best understood as a gene like means for which the most important consideration is not truth but adapt the fitness? is the best way to understand our social behavior by tagging the genes, the selfish gene, the violence gene, the altruism gene, that passion gene, the romance gene. these are real things by the way. google them. or real claims. most importantly whether the neuroscientists are correct ab