thomas r runs dot maddox.ow c close arere we to such g that a a computerr would desigs ownn e experimentsts? >> i think chongng is e exactly right.t. we are absolututely on t the pao makiking that hahappen. now, there's no doubtbt thatt as chananging the w world in drug discovovery. it i is chchanging, a as well. but it is a a p path and w we'ry on to m making where chongng w driving,g, but we'rere dririvin ththere. we'r're seeingg it tododay with own customomers. ai i is changingng drug discoveo the betttter. it's verery excxciting a and w talklk about itt more, but the h to get there has tons of opportununities involved.. wewe're headeded there. we are absbsolutely h headed th. >> arere you activelyy pursuing and allll the softwtware you su scientiststs? >> we e are. if y you thihink about it,t, on the bigiggest c challengess i ig discovovery is you look at t th past decade, there's's b been dedecrease inn roi t that comom hahave e experienceded on their investstments. soso they're gettingng less wil spspend