. >> madam president, supervisors, department people i'm thomas robert simpson thank you for the warm welcome to the special visits from the western edition i'm here to say i think it is really important that a number of you are here who live within 5 or 6 blocks maybe 8 blocks of this chamber my hope and my wish is that they will get an inspiration or something one-on-one within them that says oh, this is an african-american that used to live in my neighborhood the president of the chamber oh, it's the african-american woman from the other part of town that's from this chamber also or there's a gay white man part of the chamber they'll say off a oh a possibility i my one day be a part of this chamber so i welcome you're welcome for us i hope i didn't put you on the spot too much. one person you did mention was angela part of bringing the youth here thank you for bringing us here and hopefully one day one the youth behind me will take our position thank you very much >> thank you very much>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> approximately i'm dana i work here and talked about the hi