. >> thomas shannon, now retired, was a campus police officer at the time. >> sometimes you just overlook those things. >> you want to do some fingerprints or not? >> reluctantly the suspect gets up. instead of facing the table, the 6'2" burgen stares down the must smaller burnett. the rookie officer tries to assert his authority. >> i think there's times where the officer was trying to establish himself as the alpha dog in the situation. he was a young officer, and there are times when you need to do that. this is not one of those times because you had a suspect who was unstable. >> burnett again sensing trouble is hoping to get burgen back on the bench and get some additional assistance. >> sit down on the chair. no, you're not. you're going to sit down. >> i'm going to try to give my fingerprints and do what you want me to do. >> you don't square off with me! you understand. we're going to do this again. after a minute officer burnett returns and uncuffs the suspect a second time. >> just off camera is campus police officer thomas shannon. >> officer burnett asks me to come back. he wa