thomas shell, baker has also changed his lifestyle. now he works 16 hours a week, not 60, and gets more sleep along with a healthy diet, he stays active with cycling and yoga. so to conclude, heart attack and strike out of the blue. but watch out for warning signs like chest pain, for example. the sooner you seek medical help, the quicker a heart attack can be treated or prevented. taking action quickly is all important . and that goes for bystanders, too. because cpr can save lives. many young people don't think twice about what all the hours they spend sitting at the computer yet this increases the risk for a heart attack or stroke. that's because an unhealthy lifestyle can cause high blood pressure, which is affecting more and more on the 20 fives and ice cream now and then is fine . but too many children regular eat foods that are high in fat and sugar? are they called miller is a pediatric cardiologist at bonds university hospital more and more for young patients of high blood pressure. lifestyle plays a major role feed a bridge h