wolf. what kind of -- she's been in that business for 20 years. she's hesitant about taking public positions. >> is she qualified now to be a supreme court justice than clarence thomashad writings. you could go in there and say look, you may disagree with them, but there he was there to defend them. he expressed himself. he believed strongly, he studied the law and showed himself to be someone who believed that you go in a certain direction. and so there's a man that's been working the business of the jurorist. and here she, is what is it? the question i think is how did she get tenure in these good universities when she doesn't write? there's nothing there. she is a blank sheet. >> i don't know if she's a blank sheet. david, do you know her a lot better than i do. talk about that. >> i think the notion she's not qualified is proposterous on its face. this woman has lived a life in the law, working with brilliant minds at the court of appeals level, at the supreme court, now as solicitor general. she held her own against scalia. he had shelled her own against john roberts. she is going to be an intellectual force on the court. on the left side to be sure. and i am s