c-span: and--and then thomas wolfe--where did he write this, that's in your book? >> guest: he was writing "look homeward, angel," and i--that's fiction, but i asked a number of people and they said it's a description of his brother's death, was actually his brother's real name and it was a description that was not fictionalized. it was really what happened when his brother died of the flu. c-span: would you mind reading this in here and--and tell us what you--why you put this in the book? >> guest: ok. should i tell you why first? c-span: yeah. >> guest: ok. i think that when i talk about the flu, or when people who are--are living today talk about the flu, it's almost impossible for us to ima--imagine what it was like. i tried as much as i could to put the words in of people who had been there, because when you've been there and seen it, it has a sort of a--of a--an emotion that we can't--i can't capture and i don't think anybody else that i've spoken to has been able to capture. so the reason i put the thomas wolfe description in was of all the descriptions i ha