lee with george washington or thompson jefferson? t he understood the negative consequences by those people antedidn't get caught up into historical reverie. george washington, and the founding father, and thomas jefferson, on our declaration of independence, are radically dissimilar. robert e. lee hated it so much he wanted to divide from it and find another union. thomas jefferson and george washington, no matter how flaws, sought to protect the democracy that would flourish. to appeal to them, to talk about the ongoing need. so comparing stonewall jackson and robert e lee. it is just a category mistake and symptomic of their disregard for this history that the president has disregarded. >> people will argue it is part of america's history, even if it is ugly. how do you espouse to people that removing them is the right thing to do. >> let's stipulate this. it is be part of your history and heritage of bigotry. the heritage of america, which is to transmit the virus of white supremacy that we see now. it doesn't mean that it is not