human rights and should all countries be held to the same standards while to discuss that joined by thorburn the gaggle and secretary general of the council of europe mr you're going to be appreciate your being here and now i think what is manned usually manned by few men rights in the western political discourse our political rights rights having to do with political activity freedom of speech freedom of expression freedom to protest and i think some countries in particular russia and china argued that their ability to grant their citizens full political rights is conditioned on. the economy on their economic prosperity and i think for some time the sort of argument was. brushed off as authoritative ploy but i think now some of the european governments faced with this territory have some sympathy with this line of thinking what do you think how strong the thing is the link between the country's economy and its ability to expand its citizenry political full political rights both first of all i haven't heard the russian authorities are making this argument i should they have signed up to the