. - thore used to be thisof agreement between the press and those they covered ain thingsthey wouldn'tong as they did not pertain to what they did officially, but watergate sort of blf that all oute water, and you had this new skeptical press looking to crack the next story, to be first. - it's pretty hard to get past that kind of distraction, and i remember talking to my staff, d then others in the campaign, saying, "here's a set of guidelines that i want us to use. , we need to protect our own dignity and honor. the second thing was, i want us to be hart's defense lawyer. the third thing is, we need to protect the hart family personally. we got - at one point hart says, mhy do they have to chasee?" like, 'cause he can't re under. hart can't get anywhere near voters, ng knocked off his feet. - the statement is pretty clear here, the statement says that the campaign will continue. - i remember saying that this is not a legitimate issue. there's no smooth line that plots fidelity with competence. we've had some greatresidents who've been really lousy husbands. we've had some great husba