governor thornburg was an attorney and engineer, he offered leadership to central pennsylvania at thattime and was quite effective. there were others who wound up with a good reputation after the event, because they governed wisely. i don't think there were any obvious villains after the event unless it was the island itself and the producers of power. they had to live with that. you can't talk about harrisburg without talking about the accident, the incident or talking about the funds. in a sense, harrisburg has always been the object of certain historical trends as much as it is the shaper of those historical trends was one of the complaint about harrisburg's self-images it is not what it could be. as a matter of fact after that pronouncement by donald trump that the city looks like a war zone, one of the city's developers at the present time said this city has too low an opinion of itself. it needs to have an upbeat progressive attitudes about itself because the city will try or not depending on what self-image is not just the image of other people who live outside the city. anytime