we thank our sponsors: cooper and kirk, adams and reese, barns and thornburg, election cfo, vogel, and george hins key, michael con, mcgire woods, and scott political dot law, willmer hail, bell mcandrews and hit hi, burke fera, clark hill, eagle bank, ice miller, king and spalleding, christen and young, beverly wise man, and frank salinger. let's give them all a round of applause. man, and let's give them all a [applause] round of applause. [applause] >> we didn't know how prowishes >> we didn't know how appropriate this topic would be for this particular point in time. yesterday, as you know, president trump signed an executive order which promises to protect and vigorously promote religious liberty. we did not know this was happening why scheduled a discussion on religious liberty but the timing is perfect and our panelist is perfect. we have legal council from the alliance defending freedom. she participated in arlenes flower versus washington state. she is a graduate of the university of dallas and ava maria school of law. since joining adf in 2012, she has defended religious libe