watson: we are in the thornburgh room, looking at some of the thornburgh collection. dick thornburgh is a pittsburgher from the start. you can did law school here and went on to be governor of pennsylvania, u.s. attorney general, and his collection is archived at the university of pittsburgh. the thornburgh collection is large, which is an understatement, considering it is 1052 cartons of documents. in 1979,ected governor on was being sworn in january 16, 1979. he was there with his hand up being sworn in with his wife inside him. -- beside him. he was visited with matters pertaining to the forthcoming came athen a phone call 7:50 a.m. on wednesday, march 28. it was announcing to the new governor that there was an accident at the nearby nuclear plant on three mile island. accidentsd nuclear had amazing repercussions and uncertainties and difficulties ahead. and then the next morning, early in the day, his notes referred to having heard mention of a fuel core damage. and consulting through the whole day, that did not change. but what to do was an enigma. ade nburgh was