marijuana less debilitating than aacoholl yet a new canndian studd says thoseewho driie withinn33hoursing pot crash eccles says: "anooher under iifluence of marijuana is a reduced ability to too much ?sims says: "i don't feel we are in unchartered territory, i know we are in unccartered territory." 12 states have a 'zero' toleraace level for pott in waahington state, where limit is 5 nanograms per blood sample - an impairment level some argue s roughly equal po alcohol. sims says: "because we are early on in difficuut tt tell if that 5 nanogram level will change, similar tt hhw dui standards ha problem is, heavy usees, though not impaired, can ttst positive weeks after smoking. áhowááyou moke iitaffects peoppe difffrently - so even exxerts don't know ááow muchá pot causes impairment eccles says: "for anyone to saa 2 hits or dosages would get me to 5 nanograms - it is nearly impossible to make that is the compouud in pot that mmkes you high. thc is stored in fat so heavy users can test positive weeks fter smokinn which is why coloradd defeated alcohol,,ww started at 1155ann 3 cameedown