unless there is a specific trigger, some derogatory information that would lead us to probe into thoseishes, we don't, that's one of the things -- >> this is somebody who we know there was statements that she had been making over the internet. she's traveling from pakistan and those are hot beds of ideology. very, very dicesy. talking about individuals. >> we do realize screening -- >> there doesn't need to be any changes? >> if we identify them. >> that's my point. this congress needsi6eñ -- identified, i hope they wouldn't be lead in. but we're not identifying everybody now and the question is is, is this bureaucratic mistakes or do we need to change policies. >> do we have recommend dayses for snus. >> i do not at this moment, but i think based on the review, it's possible some of the ideas we generate require change. >> thank you. i believe that one of the untold stories, the biggest one of the threats that we have are those that are coming illegally to the united states and those that are coming to the -- they will get papers. i think that's the huge gaping hole that has to be plugged.