it was the whole romantic view thosethe dose of being in an exotic place and doing something exotic. it is not always been that romantic but i still like the concept. >> is your mother a fan of greta garbo? >> i will have to ask her. there is a flair. if you not. >> you spoke earlierspoke earlier strongman, dictators coming out of some of these revolutionary situations. in another option might be the installation of a puppet regime. we find ourselves often claiming to be bringing democracy to this area. with mp attempts to install the strongman? attempt by the government empowers to put down puppets? absolutely. we have every would be strongman proposed our regional government always on people will survive. i hope they are not -- people of people. i think it's going to be hard on the next period because they had such a recent traumatic experience that they will be running away for stability. >> not a very old age already am wondering where you get your news from. other sites or blogs. >> there is no one place. you have to read a lot. you have to read. the thing that i tell people the