we knoways unto him, not whether thou goest, and how can we know the way?eh unto him way, the truth, and the likght. no man cometh unto the father but by me. anthem that follows is chosen by lady thatcher for the service at her husband's funeral, sir denis thatcher. lovely a site well in place, lord of hosts." place, lordwelling of hosts." ♪ >> now the address which is given by a friend of the thatcher family and of lady thatcher, the bishop of london, right honorable richard kwa -- >> the light of the sheet of political controversy, there is a great calm. the storm of conflicting opinions centers on the mrs. thatcher who became a symbolic figure, even an -ism. today, they remains of the real hereret hilda thatcher are at her funeral service. in here, she is one of us, subject to the common destiny of all human beings. there is an important place for debating policies and legacies, for assessing the impact of political decisions on the everyday lives of individuals and communities. parliament held a frank debate last week. is neither the time nor the place.