thousandd oo stagedd- mediccl exams.but some of them look to be real... with hidden cameeas. patients unknowingly videooapeddby on-line. (pettit) :15:32 his horror storr becomes ore of a pettit represents ozens of formmr pptients of doctor levy. ttese womee are undergoing is pndescrrbabll. sufferrng that's been brought on by fear. whether doctor levy pooted any of the exams he recorddd.thh f-b-i is still investigatinn. 18:40:58 drrlevy and i hadd succha reaaly cllse relatiinshii i want to know that. was i one of those patientt that he fulll betrayed and viieetaped me. two months later.... agents &pare still going thhough material from the computers thee seized from levy's house. an investigation that's also looking in to whether anyone else was involved. some paaients have aaready filed aa class action llwsuii. other amazingly... seem to have already put his ultimaae betrayal of trusttbehind them. 18:44:46 i do forrive him or what hh did desppte him not &pbeing herr to ask for forgivennss. he's helped me so for me to orgive im and iidd. ten.y lepola fox 4