distilled spirits in sizes smaller thran 375ml is strictly prohibited and we want get away from the small bottles and looking for a large product that has a mainstream audience. no malt beverage shall be sold with greater volume% as listed except for microbreweries and craft breweries and specialty malt products sold usually the designation as stout, porter, ipa and esp. this condition is intended to eliminate low cost products that are abused but not prohibit the sale of these products and we recognize the market of the craft beers and trying to allow that segment that doesn't create a police program but eliminate the low cost that are frequently abuse abused malt beverages. beer and malt beverages and wine containers larger than 32 ounces are prohibited. none should be sold in -- and the manufacturer prepackaged quantities of four. condition number 7. no wine shall be sold with a greater contenlt of 15% by volt volumes and we're focusing on getting rid of the low cost problematic products and wine shall be sold in -- shall not be sold in bottles or containers smaller than 750mls except