workers are told to stay home until the fbi determine physical the threaterize credible. -- determines if the threats are credible. >>> is the a-line working? mechanically or philosophically? mechanically, yes, it is working today. rtd is withholding money from the private contract partners because of the performance plane. rtd says it is docking denver transit partners $65,000, a performance deduction for those contractors. it is the maximum that can be contractually withhold for the problems between april and july, $65,000 comes out of denver transit partners' $10 million payment. real-people numbers, like if your kid gets a $10 allowance and when they screw up, you withld >>> democrats gathered that union station to hear a republican speak, even hickenlooper was there to listen to hillary clinton's not so secret weapon, meg made her first public campaign appearance for clinton, she runs hulant packered. i was wondering if she is angling for a post, commerce secretary, perhaps. >> we will see, i am committed to hewlett-packard, the company is doing very well now and love >> that was