and as you have also heard repeatedly today thu questn is if not us, who? if noé now, when?veúrepeatedly deferred to the congress and the state legislatures to do the rightúthing and the proper regulation of public safety to include issues related to gun violence but in farútoo many cases our state legislators, state executives and the congress have avoided making those hard choices. here in virginia or i should say across the river in virginia our own governor, governor mcdonnell heard our pleas not to allow the repeal of our one gun a month law which is common sense legislation that has exmsted for over or almost 20 years and the commonwealth and then allowed that bill to become law. in spite of our pleas. in our sase< this piece of legislation slowet thu shóoters plans. it didn't stop them but had they worked as part of a seamless web of common sense0gun legislation to include incorporiting the background checks for those adjudicated mentally ill, it wouldúhave probably succeeded in preventing the shooter from getting the firearms he used. now, i'm proud to say that viroi