thultimate cosof expendin ourhealth car system under theaffordable care act areunknow ignoring suc unknown unknowns would bfolly. in facthey'r known unknowns just aitwoul b t p downou walof debt. that ihoweplunge int decadof deficits. recall the storyof gnesi anpharaoh's dreaofseve cows faflesanwell flavore came out of thrive followed bseve othercows lean-fleshed andi'll favored. the lean cow ate uth fat cows thpharao couldno interpret hi dreamunti joseph explainedit thi that thesevefacows wer seveyear o greatplenty and thseveleancowswere seveearsoffamine tha woul immediately follow. th pharaohtook the avice of josepan storeup great quantities o grain during the yearsof plenty. whenfamine cam egyptwa read th peoplhavegive u seve yearsof extra taxes leusfollowthwisdom o joseph pay dunn ourdebt andstor upreserves against the leanertimethat wll surely follow. in the midst oth great depressionfranklin roosevel sai mysteriouscyclin"human events". tosome generations muc i given. much o other generations much i expected. thisgenerationha rendezvous witdestiny. we righthere i california, havesuchr