associates mary with the impurity that mag dala had become notorious for because of its proximity to tiberias. jesus' name the nazarene picks up on that old testament vow called the nazrite vow which had at its aim making a person a special vehicle of purity. >> also it has a recall ring to it. >> it does because he was brought up in the village called nazareth, a peasant town. >> did she seek him out? >> she in my opinion must have sought him out owing to his reputation as an exer cyst. >> he was about 12 years old and she was 20 years of age. >> yes. >> are you joined with other biblical scholars in the view that jesus ministry began much earlier than 30 years of age. >>. as early as 18 years of age. >> i'm joined with a number of scholars which i'm happy to say a growing number of scholars. i wouldn't claim at the moment this is a majorit opinion. it has been acknowledged for a number of years that the gospels do compress the action associated with christ, so much so that sometimes it becomes implausible. therefore, i have been engaged in understanding what more plausibly the development o