you know, rip people's hearts out so the sun would come up and you think about the demons of tibetan buddhism and in christianity, don't tell me that gogatha was a dark space. our culture prefers to be on the light side. now, it even happened in the military. i remember that i was on a hill in vietnam. it was christmastime. and i wrote about this in the book. and we had been isolated there. we'd been -- my platoon was left to guard what was left of an artillery battery and we were the infantry trying to keep the nva away. and no one could get to us because monsoons, they were just shrouded in fog and we couldn't get any resupply. we could hear a chopper way down below. we were probably about 6,000 feet. it gets up to the hill. it had flat headed right up to the treetops to get underneath the fog and out steps the battalion chaplain and i thought, wow, this is amazing. and he comes up and he was just cheery and wonderful and he handed me a bottle of southern comfort and told me a couple of dirty jokes. i'm a 23-year-old lieutenant, you know, i've been fighting and dealing with death and i got