see, you can already see orban next to me, he is standing here, and i hope to see not orban, but tibor tompa, the head of the hungarian community of kyiv region. mr. tiber, good health, thank you for finding time for us, thank you very much, good day, mr. mykola, good day to all tv viewers, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i have a first for you. the question is, well, i don't know, but human, i think it's just human, how are you, mr. tiberus, how do the magyars live, when half of ukraine looks at orman and curses that orman, and therefore they curse the magyars, and i already hear a lot of gossip and rumors that even on the border the magyars are worse than the slovaks, and poles and romanians, and shorter in... i do, you, you hide that you are hungarian, and your friends hide, they go around, speak in ukrainian and say, no, no, no, we are not magyars, we are ukrainians, because, well, because this it's scary to live, thank god, thank god, i'm not hiding anything, and thank god, i'm a ukrainian hungarian, i'm a citizen of ukraine, and what orban is doing, forgive me, don't come back.