electronic foots ball and the fisher price corn popper, heman toy, pinball, american girl doll, tickle me eloard game chutes & ladders, votes for your favorite until next wednesday. the inductees will be announced on november 8s. >> trevor: yes, finlly tks is time to indect another toy nootd hall of fame. i love america. now i mr. admit there are some weird nominees am like tic tac toe. that is not a toy stsm an idea. all right. if tic tac toe made the cut then you pait as well nominate [bleep], marry, kill. yeah, same idea which is easy, you marry the american girl doll, you kill tickle me elmo and you [bleep] the sled. and by the way [bleep] the sled. because when we watched the story in the office everyone that i worked with was like obviously the sled is tbing to win. that is one of the most iconic toys of all time. not in africa, i will tell you that much, no, useless. now my favorite nominee nominee person leand the only black nominee is the magic eight ball. yes. cuz i love it t is like one of my favorite toys ever. you ask it any question and it gives you an answer. some haters will