we have in the fort ticonderoga museum collections a great treasure."simple knapsack made out of linen, about yay big, and inside is a penned note written by a very old man in his 80s, benjamin warner.hw he tells us in that penned note, this knapsack i carried through the war of the revolution to achieve the american independence. i transmit it to my oldest son, benjamin warner jr., with directions to keep it and transmit it to his oldest son and so on to the latest posterity. and whilst one shred of it shall remain, never surrender your liberties to a foreign invader or an aspiring demagogue. benjamin warner lived for another nine years and then was buried in ticonderoga, and he6e has a very simple epitaph on his gravestone: 1846, benjamin warner, a revolutionary soldier and a friend of the slave. those are the stories that eliot's tell anything this grand, grand book. thank you. [applause] >> well, thank you. those were such interesting, um, comments on the book. let me start with nick's then go to tom's. my oldest son and i, he actually is a veteran,