[inaudible] said make up respectfully and tideland. -- [inaudible] >> there's one misconception misconception that i think when americans hear sniper missions, we think the seals are going out to shoot someone. actually, the sniper mission in iraq coor for the most part, were watching where the americans were protect to make sure that there is not going to be any violence on the street. the night before the election, they would set up outcomes and they would watch the strata make sure there were no bad guys. to do that, unfortunately they advertise, we like to take over our house. johnny's job in those cases was to assure the people that we are here. we are here for this mission. we are here to protect iraqis. we know it's a pain in the neck. they went to get them, shopping for them. when snipers were thinking of the movies -- [inaudible] >> what are you doing today? [inaudible] they make john's easy to send a message to respect you. there's one guy -- [inaudible] >> still like we really set to. probably to make it out of the rack to help him in a slave. it is very important for our troops, w